Lunch menu

We serve delicious food every day in the canteens in Lyngby and Hørsholm.

See this week's menu and enjoy a delicious lunch with your colleagues.

Week 7



Hot dish: Creamy tomato soup with roastede chickpeas and croutons
Vegetarian: Creamy tomato soup with roastede chickpeas and croutons


Hot dish: Beefstew with creamy mashed potatoes
Vegetarian: Vegetarian stew with mashed potatoes


Hot dish: Pasta with salmon, spinach and whitewinesauce
Vegetarian: Pasta with mushrooms, spinach and whitewinesauce


Hot dish: Chicken curry with rice and herbs
Vegetarian: Chickpeas in currysauce with rice and herbs


Hot dish: Broccoligratin with crispy bacon and tomatoes
Vegetarian: Broccoligratin with crispy bacon and tomatoes



Hot dish: Kale Lasagna with Mushrooms and Ricotta – Layer upon layer of creamy ricotta, succulent mushrooms and kale, topped with a fresh salsa verde and pickled red onions.
Vegetarian: Kale Lasagna with Mushrooms and Ricotta – Layer upon layer of creamy ricotta, succulent mushrooms and kale, topped with a fresh salsa verde and pickled red onions.


Hot dish: Pepper & rosemary roast pork neck – Tender and juicy meat, served with sweet-sharp mustard-glazed root vegetables and an apple compote.
Vegetarian: Creamy pumpkin soup – spicy and with coconut milk, topped with crispy, roasted chickpeas.


Hot dish: Crispy breaded fish – Served with a soft cauliflower puree, fried cauliflower, green peas and parsley oil.
Vegetarian: Winter casserole with potatoes, leeks and butter beans - A rustic and rich stew, where the vegetables are allowed to unfold.


Hot dish: Succulent chicken thighs – Served with roasted Brussels sprouts, sweet and sour pomegranates, crispy potatoes and creamy tarragon cream.
Vegetarian: Winter minestrone with pearl barley & crispy croutons – A warming, vegetable-filled soup with depth from herbs and bite from pearl barley.


Hot dish: Ground beef with caramelized onion sauce – A classic favorite with a twist of pickled apple cubes for freshness and pommes paille for the perfect crispness.
Vegetarian: Kikærtebøf med karamelliseret løgsauce – En velsmagende plantebaseret version med samme lækre tilbehør, syltede æbler og knasende pommes paille.