DTU Startup Day




16 May, 2024


DTU Skylab

Centrifugevej 374


Kongens Lyngby


Contact person:


Rikke Vous Hvidsteen Særkjær

Experience the next generation of tech entrepreneurs when DTU Startup Day returns.

Meet and connect with 60 pre and early-stage, knowledge-based startups showcasing their prototypes and technologies in the exhibition and pitching their business ideas on stage.

DTU has one of the most well-developed ecosystems for innovation and entrepreneurship among European technical universities.

The ecosystem around DTU counts us, DTU Science Park, together with DTU Skylab, DTU Entrepreneurship and PreSeed Ventures.

Together, we will share insights and knowledge on investment in deep tech startups, impact assessment, and shed light on the steps to building a thriving innovation ecosystem.

Please note. Photos may be taken during this event and used for marketing future events. If you do not wish to appear in photos, it is your responsibility to inform the photographer.


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