26 August 2019

Sports, networking and team spirit made the yearly Sports Festival a success

950 employees took part in various sports throughout the day, while corporate executives were behind the bar having casual talks with their colleagues and staff. The companies, which range widely, from Chr. Hansen, who has hundreds of employees, to startups, who participated in single teams, competed in five disciplines and ended the day with dining, partying and dancing.

Collegial unity and new business relationships

Pharmalex, which was one of the participating companies, not only benefits from participating in the Sports Festival itself. Planning of the day is good for the collegiate unity and team spirit of the company as well.

About the day, the CEO of Pharmalex Denmark, Torben Nørgaard says:

“We participate in the Sports Festival due to being a part of the community. We use the Sports Festival because of two things – it is fun to have a day together, but it is also an event that we are looking forward to plan together. We have a lot of fun planning the Sports Festival, and on the day itself we have such a good time together. There are many of us who work in the pharma industry, so we meet a lot of former colleagues. And furthermore, we have also met future employees and potential business partners at the bar or on the sideline.”

Community in the forefront

The special community of DTU Science Park’s many deep tech companies, is the main focus of the Sports Festival. At DTU Science Park business owners and employees already network with like-minded companies at professional events and at various professional collaborations. At the Sports Festival collaborations and networking are nurtured through the various sport and social activities.

“With the Sports Fstival at DTU Science Park, we support the companies in terms of both employee care and physical activity. We give companies the opportunity for a sporting and enjoyable day with colleagues and other companies. And the social element between the companies is one of the fundamentals of creating a community where deep tech companies can evolve.” Says Steen Donner, CEO of DTU Science Park.

Read more about DTU Science Park Community here.