23 March 2021

Tesla Owners Denmark and True Energy enter new collaboration 

Tesla owners have previously been able to make use of True Energy’s app, but the new collaboration has allowed partners to explore synergies. 

Charlotte Blou Sand tells Energiwatch, that the synergies come from the fact that they can support, help and engage each other. She further adds that True energy has special expertise in intelligent solutions for electric cars, while Tesla Owners Denmark knows what users want, and it is that type of combination that makes this collaboration very exciting. 

True Energy’s app makes it possible for the users to charge their electric car automatically and hence making it more flexible. This makes it possible for the users to charge when the power is cheapest and greenest. The Danish company also allows the owners of electric cars to make their battery available through their Big Battery concept for balancing and earning money.  

True Energy points out that it is precisely on the electricity and charging infrastructure that the new partnership finds good opportunities for cooperation. 


Source: Energywatch