GreenUP Accelerator

Is your startup working on climate tech solutions? Go from startup to scale-up in 20 months and get up to one million kroner in funding.

Do you need help with your GreenUP application?

We can assist you with your application to GreenUP and answer questions regarding formalities.

GreenUP Accelerator is your green growth journey

GreenUP Accelerator is Denmark’s most ambitious growth program for climate tech startups focused on CO2 reduction. The goal is simple: to scale startups working on green solutions and technologies that make a difference in reducing CO2 emissions.

With GreenUP, you can transition from startup to scaleup in 20 months through an intensive and ambitious growth program. Upon completion, you’ll be ready to enter international markets and seek an investment in a Series A round.

Participants can get funding up to 1 million kroner and more than 75 hours of 1:1 mentoring, all to develop your business with a sustainable and innovative solution.

The program is a tailored course with an in-depth startup phase to test the participants. Selected companies then move on to an intensive and customized scaleup phase.

We collaborate with Industriens Fond and Denmark’s most prominent CO2-footprint specialists, The Footprint Firm.

Facts about the participants in GreenUP


They secure funding – on average, DKK 17 million is raised by the participants who complete the program.


They grow – on average, there are 14 employees at the end of the program among the GreenUP participants who complete the program.

0 %

They create viable companies – 100% of the participating startups in GreenUP are still alive.

Previous GreenUP participants

With GreenUP, you get:

  • Over 75 hours of 1:1 advice on topics including law, accounting, sales, marketing, and product development.
  • 15-20 hours of sparring on sustainable business models, sustainable accounting, and reporting with The Footprint Firm, Denmark’s most prominent CO2 footprint specialists.
  • Over 20 hours of advice on how to raise capital as well as exposure to attractive investors.
  • A team of mentors from our mentor program.
  • Sparring and networking with like-minded individuals.

GreenUP is conducted in English, and it is free to participate.

deep-tech iværksætter

We invest time in startups with innovative CO2-reducing solutions

GreenUP Accelerator is for companies with climate-friendly and CO2-reducing solutions within energy, industry & buildings, food & agriculture, and transport.

At DTU Science Park, we work with sustainability every day. GreenUP aims to get climate-friendly solutions to the market faster and cheaper.

How does the program work?

Each year, more than 100 companies apply to participate in GreenUP. Out of these, 30 startups are selected for a week-long boot camp. 15 advance to a four-month startup phase, and 8-12 startups can continue in a 16-month customized scale-up course.

Key dates in the GreenUP Accelerator program.

February 5, 2024

Early bird deadline

March 4, 2024

Deadline for applications

Applicants will be notified on March 20th if they are invited to the Bootcamp..

April 4th to 12th, 2024


Bootcamp with 30 startups. Here, 12-15 startups will be selected to start the program (each startup will participate for one day during this period).

May 13th to 17th, 2024

Program Start (Startup Phase)

Program start with 15 startups (including participation in DTU Startup Day on May 16th).

December 1, 2024

The scale-up phase begin

3 sprints with 3-5 strategic individual focus areas.

February 1, 2026


How does it work?

A 20-month intensive and tailored program that prepares companies for growth.

GreenUp and MedTech

Phases in the program.


First week.
30 startups participate. We determine who is the best match for the GreenUP Accelerator and select 12-15 startups to proceed.

The startup phase

4 months.
We provide you with the necessary knowledge to run a business in 12 disciplines. The goal is to achieve Product Market Fit and sell your solution to the first customer.

The work phase

2 months.
You continue to work on the different disciplines on your own. To progress from the four-month startup phase, you need to achieve Product Market Fit.

The scale-up phase

16 months with 3 sprints
This phase builds the foundation to scale your business. Along with the Program Manager, you select 3-5 strategic focus areas per sprint. Each sprint must be passed to proceed to the next.

Startup phase: 12 Disciplines that create a solid foundation

Participants work on 12 disciplines in the startup phase to ensure a Product Market Fit.

Here, participants meet with the Program Managers weekly to evaluate the disciplines. Participants only progress to the scale-up phase if all 12 disciplines are in order.

Scale-up phase: Get ready to scale

In the scale-up phase, the program is tailored, and depending on resources, products, and challenges, 3 to 5 strategic focus areas are selected to work on in each sprint. Choose among these disciplines:

  • Corporate Agenda
  • Leadership & culture
  • Growth in the organization
  • Systems & processes
  • Financial reporting
  • Sustainable business models and reporting
  • Scaling of supply chain
  • Product strategy
  • Financing strategy
  • Go-to-market and sales strategy
  • Marketing and communication strategy
  • Internationalization

Increase your chances of getting funding

The GreenUP program enhances your chances of securing funding. Through individual counseling, pitch training, and access to the right investors, the program ensures you are well-prepared when seeking funds to develop your business further.

  • Receive guidance from our Investment Manager
  • Pitch training
  • 1:1 counseling with relevant subject matter experts
  • Assistance in creating a pitch deck
  • Matchmaking with potential investors

Meet the growth team in GreenUP

In GreenUP, a strong professional team is in place to assist you on your growth journey. The team has many years of practical business experience and consists of business developers, corporate partners, and subject matter experts.

These are the individuals who will help and advise you through 20 months.

Collaborate with our corporate partners

At DTU Science Park, several corporate partners collaborate with startups through acquisitions, investments, or access to unique knowledge.

We are the link between you and them and can help find the right match for your business.

Vækstprogram for bæredygtige startups
Corporate partners

Innovation in green technologies

Experience the inspiring stories and groundbreaking innovations from our GreenUP Accelerator startups. They are leading the green transition with solutions that challenge the status quo and point towards a sustainable future. Dive into their world and see how they are helping to shape the technologies of tomorrow.

FAQ about GreenUP

Here are some of the questions we frequently receive about our GreenUP program. You're also always welcome to contact us if you need assistance.

GreenUP is a 20-month long growth program for tech companies that work with climate-friendly solutions.

To be considered for GreenUP, you must work with solutions that are climate-friendly and CO2-reducing.

As a participant in GreenUP, we assist you in transitioning from startup to scale-up in 20 months. You can receive up to one million kroner in funding, more than 75 hours of 1:1 advice, and access to potential investors.

You submit an application with a pitch deck. If selected, you start on a bootcamp with around 30 other selected startups.

Approximately 8-12 startups complete the entire 20-month program.

DTU Science Park is a secure place where we never share your information without consent. However, the office where you reside is an open space with many people, so if you have highly confidential information, you should consider when to share them.

The pre-investment of one million kroner is offered as a convertible loan, which benefits startups. You are not obligated to accept the offer. The GreenUP program also provides much more than financing.

The pre-investment of one million kroner is offered as a convertible loan, which benefits startups. You are not obligated to accept the offer. The GreenUP program also offers much more than financing.

Thomas Hebo Sparring

Program Manager

Would you like to know more about GreenUP Accelerator?

Fill out the contact form and let us get in touch with you.

Jura & regnskab

Disciplinejer: Bach Law og EY


At sikre at alle de nødvendige virksomhedsdokumenter er på plads og opfylder de lovbestemte krav samt forberede virksomheden på eventuelle fremtidige investeringer. 

At sikre at startup’en kan lave en pålidelig og præcis, finansiel rapportering og styre jeres likviditet, hvilket er grundlæggende for at kunne drive forretning og rapportere til investorer.

  • 1:1 sparring om hvordan man bruger bogføringssystemer, indberetter moms/skat, opsætter P&L budgetter og likviditetsbudgetter. 
  • 1:1 sparring om, hvordan du bruger værktøjerne og processerne til at være klar til at tiltrække, ansætte og oplære nye ansatte.
  • Du får adgang til skabeloner, som du kan bruge som inspiration til ansættelseskontrakter, direktøraftaler, fortrolighedsaftaler, osv.
  • Budgetter
  • P&L struktur
  • Skat inkl. virksomhedsstruktur
  • Regnskabsaflæggelse


Disciplinejer: Move Innovation


At sikre effektiv produktudvikling og styring af jeres udviklingsroadmap, så I kan levere det I lover til tiden samt  hvordan du kommunikerer det til eksterne interessenter.

  • 1:1 sparring og workshops om jeres produktudvikling, roadmap, milepæle, prisberegning, m.m.
  • En one pager produktbeskrivelse af jeres ‘Minimal Viable product’ som I har testet og verificeret på rigtige kunder.
  • Et defineret roadmap over produktet/systemerne med milepæle, funktionalitet, stykpris og omkostningsberegning.
  • Kravspecifikation for produktet
  • Detaljeret design og tilhørende stykliste (BoM)
  • Risikovurdering og produktudvikling

Organisation & team

Disciplinejer: Good Morning April


At sikre at du har det rette team og kompetencer til at udvikle og skalere virksomheden. At du er bevidst om dine principper og værdier, og at ved, hvordan du opbygger klare roller og ansvar i din organisation – nu og i fremtiden.

  • En workshop, der introducerer de kerneaspekter, du vil arbejde med i disciplinen.
  • 1:1 sparring om ovennævnte emner
  • Du får adgang til skabeloner, du kan bruge til inspiration.
  • Indsigt i personprofilerne i dit team, og hvordan du udvikler teamet i opstarten.
  • Du har en klar forståelse af dit kulturelle grundlag (formål og principper).
  • Du har en klar forståelse af, hvor din startup mangler kompetencer nu og i fremtiden – baseret på din milepælsplan.
  • Du kan præsentere et organisationsoverblik for potentielle investorer med klare roller og ansvar – nu og i den nærmeste fremtid.

Product Market Fit

Disciplinejer: Program Manager hos DTU Science Park


Product Market Fit er afgørende for en startup. Hvis du ikke løser et reelt problem for rigtige mennesker, så har din virksomhed ingen eksistensberettigelse.

  • Workshops med teori, eksempler fra det virkelige liv og engagerende praksis. Herunder eksempler på lean canvas, udbytte- og værdianalyse, Value proposition og meget mere.
  • 1:1 sessioner med forretningsudviklere fra dit vækstteam. Vi gennemgår dine antagelser, udfordrer dem og giver råd til, hvordan du kan forbedre din case. 
  • Du forstår ‘the lean methodology’ for Minimal Viable product (MVP) og build-measure-learn loops
  • Du kender forskellen på produktspecifikationer, udbytte og værdier – og hvordan man tester det
  • Du kan validere dit lean canvas og teste antagelser om dit marked
  • Du opnår Product Market Fit
  • Du har lavet et kortfattet value proposition der at afspejle dine resultater
  • Du har testet dit value proposition på nuværende og fremtidige kunder


Disciplinejer: AWA


At sikre at du ved, om du skal sikre dit produkt/løsning med IP-rettigheder.

  • 1:1 sparring for at hjælpe dig med at identificere dit behov for IP.
  • Adgang til AWA-konsulenter for at konsolidere din IP-køreplan.
  • Identificering af dine behov for IP (patenter, design, varemærker, copyright, domænenavne).
  • En struktureret plan for, hvad du skal gøre, hvornår du skal sikre nødvendig IP og ansøge om patent.
  • Identificering af evt. forretningshemmeligheder, og hvad du skal gøre/ikke gøre.
  • Indsigt i licenser til nødvendige patenter.
  • Kendskab til FtO og hvordan du kan blokere patentrettigheder.


Disciplinejer: Leon Birdi


At lære salgsprocessen at kende fra kendskab til underskrevet aftale er afgørende for enhver virksomhed. Det er ikke nok at have et godt produkt. Det er vigtigt også at kunne sælge det. 

  • Workshops, der introducerer de kerneaspekter, du vil arbejde med i disciplinen. 
  • 1:1 sparring om ovennævnte emner
  • Online salgstræning 
  • Du får adgang til skabeloner, du kan bruge til inspiration.
  • Du kan formulere dine salgsmål
  • Du kan opret en salgspipeline
  • Du kan ringe til kunderne og gøre dem interesserede
  • Du kan tiltrække varme kundeemner via social selling

Marked & kunder

Disciplinejer: Program Manager hos DTU Science Park


At sikre at du kender dine markeder, dine kunder – og dine konkurrenter. Hvor stort er dit marked, og hvad er dit markedspotentiale? Hvem er kunderne, hvor er de, hvor mange er der, og hvordan når du dem? Hvordan adskiller dit produkt og din service sig fra dine konkurrenters? 

  • 1:1 sparring om ovennævnte emner
  • Du får adgang til skabeloner, du kan bruge til inspiration.
  • Du kan beskrive hvor attraktivt dit marked er – samt alternative mulige markeder
  • Du har defineret dit markedspotentiale ud fra størrelsen, vækst og forventet markedsandel.
  • Du har overblik over konkurrentlandskabet og kan beskrive hvilke USP’er dit produkt/løsning har i forhold til andre produkter.

Supply Chain

Disciplinejer: Henrik Storm Jørgensen


At sikre at du kan levere dit produkt til tiden samt til den rigtige pris og kvalitet. Derfor skal du overveje og administrere, hvordan du udvikler, køber, producerer og servicerer dit produkt.  

  • 1:1 sparring om ovennævnte emner
  • Du får adgang til skabeloner, du kan bruge til inspiration.
  • En oversigt over din forsyningskæde
  • En forsyningskædestrategi med omkostningsmål og oprettelse/handlinger for at nå omkostningsmålet, eventuelt sammen med en vejledning
  • En risikovurdering og reduktion af risiko i forsyningskæden

Brand & Marketing

Disciplinejer: Holst Mouritzen


At sikre at du ved hvilken værdi dit produkt/ydelser skaber og kan sætte ord på det, så du kan opbygge et unikt brand og skabe interesse for dit produkt overfor den rette målgruppe. Derudover skal du kunne kommunikere din vision og værdier, når du kommunikerer med investorer, partnere, kunder og andre interessenter.

  • En workshop, der introducerer de kerneaspekter, du vil arbejde med i disciplinen.
  • 1:1 sparring om, hvordan du bruger værktøjerne til at definere dine kernebudskaber, kortlægge hvordan du markedsfører dine produkter/ydelser, og hvilke kanaler du skal bruge.
  • Du får adgang til skabeloner, du kan bruge til inspiration.
  • Dit formål og dine kernebudskaber er på plads
  • Din visuelle identitet og grafik er på plads og implementeret på din hjemmeside samt 1-2 centrale SoMe-platforme
  • Du kender dine kunder og har identificeret hvilke kanaler du vil nå dem på
  • Du har designet din kunderejse og ved, hvordan du vil nå dine kunder 

Ejerskab & finansiering

Disciplinejer: Investment Manager hos DTU Science Park


At sikre at du har kendskab til og overblik over finasieringsmulighederne, inkl. soft funding nationalt og internationalt (primært EU-midler).

At sikre at du kan lave en god finansieringsstrategi og kan svare på, hvorfor investorer bør investere i din virksomhed samt hvilken slags investeringer, der er nødvendige til hvilken værdiansættelse.

At du kan lave en god og målrettet ansøgning.

  • En workshop om ‘best practice’ i forbindelse med kapitalrejsning
  • 1:1 sparring om ovennævnte emner
  • Du får adgang til skabeloner, du kan bruge til inspiration.
  • Du er bevidst om og i stand til at kommunikere, hvordan og hvor du vil skaffe finansiering.
  • Du kan kommunikere, hvilken slags finansiering der specifikt er nødvendig for din virksomhed og dine visioner for, hvad penge skal bruges til.
  • Du har indsnævret hvilke muligheder der er relevante for dig, hvorfor og hvornår.
  • Du er klar til at ansøge om finansiering ud fra, hvad der er relevant for dig med hensyn til kriterier og i overensstemmelse med din køreplan og finansieringsstrategi.
  • Du kender faldgruberne, og hvad du skal undgå.


Disciplinejer: Program Manager hos DTU Science Park


At sikre at du får defineret hvordan du skaber og leverer værdi, hvordan du sælger, hvordan du tjener penge, og hvad din rejse er for de næste par år. Det er afgørende for at få investorer ombord og en vigtig del af et pitch.

  • 20 minutters introduktion til ”Forretningsmodel & Økonomi” med teori, eksempler fra det virkelige liv og praksisøvelser.
  • 1:1 sessioner med kommercielle forretningsudviklere fra DTU Science Park. Vi gennemgår din forretningsmodel i detaljer, udfordrer dine antagelser og giver råd om ‘best pratice’.
  • Du kan beskrive din forretningsmodel: Hvordan du producerer, sælger og tjener penge.
  • Du forstår din økonomi og kan lave produktberegninger samt 3 års resultatopgørelse med klare og gennemsigtige forudsætninger.
  • Du kan beskrive din køreplan, inkl. kritiske milepæle om f.eks. kunder, finansiering og team.

Impact & Sustainability

Disciplinejer: IBMS


Vores mål er at integrere din ‘impact’ vision med dit value proposition – hvilket gør den målbar og operationel.

Når du har en klar vision inklusive indikatorer og målinger forbundet med den påvirkning dit produkt/service har på miljøet, så styrker det dit værditilbud og gør din virksomhed mere konkurrencedygtig.

  • En workshop om emnet i løbet af programmet
  • 1:1 sparring om ovennævnte emner
  • Du får adgang til skabeloner, du kan bruge til inspiration.
  • Udvikling af en effektplan, der er relevant for din virksomhed og bæredygtighedsmål, inklusive udvalgte arbejdsark og øvelser, der udforsker ovenstående påvirkningselementer (fra problemdefinition til effektplan og effektindikatorer/metrics). 

Legal & accounting

Discipline owner: Bach Law og EY


Ensure that all necessary business documents are in place, comply with legal requirements, and prepare the company for potential future investments.

To ensure that the startup can create reliable and accurate financial reporting and manage its liquidity, essential for conducting business and reporting to investors.

  • 1:1 coaching on using accounting systems, reporting VAT/taxes, and setting up P&L budgets and liquidity budgets.
  • 1:1 coaching on how to use the tools and processes to be ready to attract, hire, and train new employees.
  • You will have access to templates that you can use as inspiration for employment contracts, director agreements, confidentiality agreements, etc.
  • Budgets
  • P&L structure (Profit and Loss)
  • Tax including company structure
  • Financial reporting

Product development

Discipline owner: Move Innovation


Ensuring efficient product development and management of your development roadmap, so you can deliver what you promise on time and how you communicate it to external stakeholders.

  • 1:1 coaching and workshops on your product development, roadmap, milestones, pricing, etc.
  • A one-page product description of your Minimal Viable Product that you have tested and verified with real customers.
  • A defined roadmap for the product/systems with milestones, functionality, unit price, and cost calculation.
  • Product specification requirements.
  • Detailed design and associated bill of materials (BoM).
  • Risk assessment and product development.

Organization and team

Discipline owner: Good Morning April


Ensuring you have the right team and competencies to develop and scale the business. You know your principles and values and how to build clear roles and responsibilities in your organization – now and in the future.

  • A workshop that introduces the core aspects you will work with in the discipline.
  • 1:1 sparring on the above-mentioned topics
  • You will have access to templates that you can use for inspiration.
  • Insight into the personality profiles in your team and how you develop the team in the startup phase.
  • You have a clear understanding of your cultural foundation (purpose and principles).
  • Based on your milestone plan, You clearly understand where your startup lacks competencies now and in the future.
  • You can present an organizational overview to potential investors with clear roles and responsibilities – now and in the near future.

Product market fit

Discipline owner: Program Manager hos DTU Science Park


Product Market Fit is crucial for a startup. If you do not solve a real problem for real people, then your business has no raison d’être.

  • Workshops with theory, real-life examples, and engaging practice. Including examples of lean canvas, yield and value analysis, Value proposition, and more.
  • 1:1 sessions with business developers from your growth team. We review your assumptions, challenge them, and advise on how to improve your case.
  • You understand ‘the lean methodology’ for Minimal Viable Product (MVP) and build-measure-learn loops
  • You know the difference between product specifications, yield, and values – and how to test them
  • You can validate your lean canvas and test assumptions about your market
  • You achieve Product Market Fit
  • You have created a concise value proposition that reflects your findings
  • You have tested your value proposition on current and future customers

IP rights

Discipline owner: AWA


Ensuring that you know whether to secure your product/solution with IP rights.

  • 1:1 sparring to help you identify your need for IP.
  • Access to AWA consultants to consolidate your IP roadmap.
  • Identification of your needs for IP (patents, design, trademarks, copyright, domain names).
  • A structured plan for what to do, when to secure necessary IP, and when to apply for patents.
  • Identify any trade secrets and what you should/shouldn’t do.
  • Insight into licenses for essential patents.
  • Knowledge about FTO (Freedom to Operate) and how you can block patent rights.


Discipline owner: Leon Birdi


Knowing the sales process, from awareness to signed agreement, is crucial for any business. It’s not enough to have a good product. It’s essential also to be able to sell it.

  • Workshops that introduce the core aspects you will work with in the discipline.
  • 1:1 sparring on the topics mentioned above
  • Online sales training
  • You will have access to templates that you can use for inspiration.
  • You can articulate your sales goals
  • You can set up a sales pipeline
  • You can call customers and pique their interest
  • You can attract warm leads via social selling

Market and customers

Discipline owner: Program Manager at DTU Science Park


Ensuring that you know your markets, your customers – and your competitors. How big is your market, and what is your market potential? Who are the customers, where are they, how many are there, and how do you reach them? How does your product and service differentiate from your competitors’?

  • 1:1 sparring on the above-mentioned topics
  • You will have access to templates that you can use for inspiration.
  • You can describe how attractive your market is – as well as alternative possible markets
  • You have defined your market potential based on size, growth, and expected market share.
  • You have an overview of the competitive landscape and can describe what USPs (Unique Selling Points) your product/solution has in relation to other products.

Supply chain

Discipline owner: Henrik Storm Jørgensen


Ensuring you can deliver your product on time and at the right price and quality. Therefore, you must consider and manage how you develop, purchase, produce, and service your product.

  • 1:1 sparring on the above-mentioned topics
  • You will have access to templates that you can use for inspiration.
  • An overview of your supply chain
  • A supply chain strategy with cost targets and establishment/actions to achieve the cost target, possibly along with a guide
  • A risk assessment and reduction of risk in the supply chain

Brand & marketing

Discipline owner: Holst Mouritzen


Ensuring that you know the value your product/services create and articulate it, you can build a unique brand and generate interest in your product among the right target group. Additionally, you should be able to communicate your vision and values when interacting with investors, partners, customers, and other stakeholders.

  • A workshop that introduces the core aspects you will work on within the discipline.
  • 1:1 sparring on how to use the tools to define your core messages, map out how you market your products/services, and which channels you should use.
  • You will have access to templates that you can use for inspiration.
  • Your purpose and your core messages are in place
  • Your visual identity and graphics are in place and implemented on your website, as well as 1-2 central SoMe platforms
  • You know your customers and have identified which channels you will reach them on
  • You have designed your customer journey and know how you will reach your customers

Ownership & financing

Discipline owner: Investment Manager at DTU Science Park


Ensuring that you have knowledge of and an overview of the financing options, incl. soft funding nationally and internationally (primarily EU funds).

Ensuring that you can create a solid financing strategy and answer why investors should invest in your business and what kind of investments are necessary for which valuation.

Ensuring that you can create a good and targeted application.

  • A workshop on ‘best practice’ in relation to fundraising
  • 1:1 sparring on the above-mentioned topics
  • You will have access to templates that you can use for inspiration.
  • You know and can communicate how and where you will obtain financing.
  • You can communicate what type of financing is necessary for your business and your visions for what the money will be used for.
  • You have narrowed down which options are relevant, why, and when.
  • You are ready to apply for financing based on what is relevant for you in terms of criteria and your roadmap and financing strategy.
  • You know the pitfalls and what to avoid.

Business model

Discipline owner: Program Manager at DTU Science Park


Ensuring you define how you create and deliver value, sell, make money, and your journey for the next few years. It is crucial for getting investors on board and an important pitch part.

  • 20 minutters introduktion til ”Forretningsmodel & Økonomi” med teori, eksempler fra det virkelige liv og praksisøvelser.
  • 1:1 sessioner med kommercielle forretningsudviklere fra DTU Science Park. Vi gennemgår din forretningsmodel i detaljer, udfordrer dine antagelser og giver råd om ‘best pratice’.
  • You can describe your business model: Producing, selling, and making money.
  • You understand your economics and can perform product calculations and a 3-year income statement with clear and transparent assumptions.
  • You can describe your roadmap, including critical milestones, e.g., customers, financing, and team.

Impact & sustainability

Discipline owner: IBMS


We aim to integrate your ‘impact’ vision with your value proposition – making it measurable and operational.

Having a clear vision, including indicators and measurements associated with the impact your product/service has on the environment, strengthens your value proposition and makes your business more competitive.

  • A workshop on the subject during the program
  • 1:1 sparring on the above-mentioned topics
  • You will have access to templates that you can use for inspiration.
  • Development of an impact plan that is relevant to your business. Sustainability goals, including selected worksheets and exercises that explore the impact mentioned above elements (from problem definition to impact plan and impact indicators/metrics).